Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Accounting Office Memo 2--new Entertainment Facility

Since the Nov. 24 "party" has been approved by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Wallbanger, we need to start financial planning for a new Entertainment Facility to replace the one where the "Birthday Blast" will take place. I've talked with the Italian architecture firm of Luciano Barbera. They are working on a design for us. The projected size will be double the current facility, to include a restaurant, bar, theater, shooting range equipped will fully automatic machine guns and sniper rifles, as well as  the usual paramilitary training equipment. We'll also provide permanent offices for Sicherheit, and housing for the "band." With Mr. Wallbanger's permission, I doubled our insurance on the current facility, which should help to cover replacement costs. George can arrange for Federal Emergency aid, so taxpayers will pay for the rest of our construction costs. Total damage estimate is $800 million, but we can pad that out as needed.
The legal office is working out the rest of the transition details.
All of us in Accounting are looking forward to November 24. It's gonna be a real blast!

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