Following is a complete transcript of Mr. Wallbanger's statement:
People of America: My (HICCUP) name is Harvey Wallbanger III. I am the official spokesman for the Econocorn Corporation. I come to you tonight with a heavy heart.
It seems that the President of these great United States has taken it upon himself to … pass a law stating that we here at Econocorn, and the other great corporations in America who produce wonderful genetically modified foods, (HICCUP) we must label our foods saying that they are genetically modified.
While I have the greatest respect (HICCUP) for the President and for his policies, I feel that it is worthwhile to share with you a few thoughts.
One: We will challenge this law in the courts, we will challenge it in the supermarkets, we will (HICCUP) challenge in on the televisions and we will challenge it in the homes. NOBODY IS GOING TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE EATING IN THIS COUNTRY! Because we feel, here at Econocorn, that the people don’t need to know how we make the food, they just need to know that it is corn that is in the can (HICCUP) They open the can, it is corn, they eat it. That’s what we have in mind. Because at Econocorn, you see, we want the people of America to be happy (HICCUP).
End of statement
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