Sunday, October 31, 2010

Corporate Development

Ubermensch Project
It is the purpose of the Ubermensch Project to take mankind to its ultimate perfection. Too long have we grovelled in the dirt, trapped on this little planet, kept here by our own weakness, our unwillingness to do the hard work of forced evolution.

But now the next stage of evolution is within our grasp. While it is true that the greater part of humanity must be subjugated and destroyed, the few who are strong enough can rise above them. Through careful application of a variety of forces...economic manipulations, unnatural food additives, chemical water additives, genetically altered food substances, and, through the use of chemtrails, alterations even of the air people breathe  ... the weak can be fed their own undoing, and the strong can rise above them in glory. Perhaps God, or Thomas Jefferson, or Samuel Colt made all men equal. Ubermensch shall certainly make all men very unequal. The strong shall rise to rule the universe!
The brainchild of our glorious leader Dr. Johnson, Ubermensch offers mankind a new religion, a new, immortal life, and a new place in the universe. No more shall we be the slaves of nature. We shall rule nature, and remake it in our own image.

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